Monday, April 6, 2015

200 Word Sentence (Exactly 200 Words)

English is the most important subject in todays’ high schools, it is inspiring the next generation of writers to dream big, keep an extremely open mind, and never stop editing or improving a writing piece; without these skills, there will be no more authors, thus no more books, no more novels, no more poems, or speeches, or blogs, or any kind of writing piece, if this happens there is no way for anyone of further their knowledge of the English language on their own; this could lead to a decline in the number of highly educated peoples, which leads to the decline in American society, we would have no more genius’ in this country, which would probably lead to other countries outsmarting us and eventually taking over our country, then the United States of America would seize to exist; And without America as a major power, ISIS may be able to overthrow the entire world, and that would lead to so much destruction to the beautiful planet we live on; If our planet is destroyed, aliens might one day arrive and see that the planet is worthless after all the destruction, and they’ll just blow it up, to tiny pieces.

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