Monday, June 15, 2015

One-Act Play

By: John Silvia

(Jim enters the house, slamming the door behind him)

Jim: I’m goddamn sick of losing to those prissy ass guys.

(Alexandra enters the room from the kitchen)

Alexandra: Oh, Jimmy you poor thing.

(She hugs him, trying to provide comfort)

Jim: Every.Single.Year!! We lose to those guys. I’m getting damn sick of it.

(The two walk into the kitchen and sit down at the table)

Jim: You know, Alexandra, I have been playing this game for twenty-two years, since I was fresh out of High School at nineteen years old. I have set scoring records, won countless awards and even been a team captain. But there’s always been this one damn thing that has denied me eternal greatness in this game, and that’s a championship.

Alexandra: Darling, I understand, it sucks honestly. But please eat your pasta. I spent a long time making it.

(Jim digs into his food, making a mess everywhere)

Jim: This is actually good.

Alexandra: Thank you.

(Long pause)

Alexandra: Jimmy, I think you should retire.

Jim: Snickers, That’s funny sweetheart.

Alexandra: No, I’m serious Jimmy. You’re almost forty-one years old. You need to start considering retirement. Not just for my sake, but for the kids sake, they’re about to become teenagers, they need a father figure to guide them.

Jim: Alexandra, there is no possible way I am retiring until I win a championship. Plus, I’m in perfect health. I haven’t missed a game since I fractured my hand in my rookie season. Now is not my time.

Alexandra: Jim, you can’t play this game forever. You must have known that one day you would have to hang up the skates and call it a career.

Jim: No Alexandra, I’m not ready. I’m the one who’s bringing in the fat paycheck, So I call the shots.

Alexandra: Jim, I’m sick of enduring the torment of watching you, a forty-year old man, still playing out there. Every game, I am constantly worried that you will get some horrible injury that could not only ruin your career, but your well being too. I’m sick of you just overlooking your age, you need to take a minute to decide whether your health and well being is more important than the game.

Jim: Alexandra, I promise you that I will be fine. I just need one more season. I have a feeling the boys and I can pull it together and make one more run at it next year. After we win the cup, I promise you, my dear, that I will retire.

Alexandra: Jim, you’ve been saying that for the past three years. ‘Oh we’ll win next year’, ‘I promise I’ll retire after we win the title’. But it’s never happened Jim. I’m sick of being alone half the year because you’re on the road. I’m sick of watching those big men slam you into the boards and holding my breath, praying to god you get up. I.AM.DONE!!!

(Alexandra storms out of the room)
(Jim thinks long and hard about his decisions, they don’t change)
(Jim walks over to the bedroom door. He knocks softly)

Jim: Alexandra?

(She is crying)

Jim: I’m sorry. I shouldn't have been like that to you.

(Alexandra walks up to the door and opens it)

Alexandra: And?
Jim: And I will retire after next season, with or without the cup. And I adore you for always staying by my side. Through success and failure, you are the most beautiful women I have ever met. You are also my wife and my best friend. I’d be lost without you.

Alexandra: Crying, That’s the sweetest thing you’ve said to me in our entire fifteen year marriage. I love you.

(She kisses him)

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